Culay yogurt production


Culay yogurt production

Me and my family love to eat yogurt so each time we used to buy from the market. Two years ago I got the idea of trying to make our own recipe using local milk and cultured it into a classic flavor at home to get sufficient and quality yogurt. In Somaliland there is a need for locally produced and cheap yogurt, which is my motive and and the reason I want to start Culay yogurt production, which will aim to produce high quality and affordable yogurt while using local livestock products. I Believe in leading a healthy lifestyle and consuming high quality products which create Culay yogurt production, will contribute. To bring my vision and Idea into reality and start I need to raise one thousand dollars ( $1000) and to secure match-funding capital from SOS Children’s Village Somaliland so your support is essential to turn this idea into reality. Dear friends and family, I need your support to reach my goal of raising $1,000, winning match-funding capital and creating Culay Yoghurt Production. Kindly Support my start-up Idea and donate. Thank you.

Activity Manger

, Maroodi Jeex,

Deadline 6 months ago

funding goal
matching fund

Me and my family love to eat yogurt so each time we used to buy from the market. Two years ago I got the idea of trying to make our own recipe using local milk and cultured it into a classic flavor at home to get sufficient and quality yogurt. In Somaliland there is a need for locally produced and cheap yogurt, which is my motive and and the reason I want to start Culay yogurt production, which will aim to produce high quality and affordable yogurt while using local livestock products. I Believe in leading a healthy lifestyle and consuming high quality products which create Culay yogurt production, will contribute. To bring my vision and Idea into reality and start I need to raise one thousand dollars ( $1000) and to secure match-funding capital from SOS Children’s Village Somaliland so your support is essential to turn this idea into reality. Dear friends and family, I need your support to reach my goal of raising $1,000, winning match-funding capital and creating Culay Yoghurt Production. Kindly Support my start-up Idea and donate. Thank you.

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