Ashqaraar Nursery Canter Is a plant nursery canter that specializes in providing high-quality ornamental plants, shrubs, and trees including flowering plants, evergreens, fruit trees, and indoor plants. We also provide expert advice on plant care and maintenance, plant installation, landscaping, it is based in Burao. The main challenge in the market is getting agricultural equipment, high challenge we face with insects and diseases during the nursery season so getting of green house is important. Not only that but also, People do not have any knowledge or skills in agriculture and plants and their care Therefore, Ashqaraar Nursery canter is play a vital role for solving all these challenges by providing plantation services on time, serving our customers with cheap price and satisfactory values, providing basic services including helping planting trees by our skilled teams, providing manure of planting, providing trainings and consultation services and etc. Thus, to improve this modern start up, we are raising $500 through Tarmiye Crowdfunding platform. So that, dear friends and families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get other $2000 of Grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.

Ashqaraar Nursery Canter
Ashqaraar Nursery Canter Is a plant nursery canter that specializes in providing high-quality ornamental plants, shrubs, and trees including flowering plants, evergreens, fruit trees, and indoor plants. We also provide expert advice on plant care and maintenance, plant installation, landscaping, it is based in Burao. The main challenge in the market is getting agricultural equipment, high challenge we face with insects and diseases during the nursery season so getting of green house is important. Not only that but also, People do not have any knowledge or skills in agriculture and plants and their care Therefore, Ashqaraar Nursery canter is play a vital role for solving all these challenges by providing plantation services on time, serving our customers with cheap price and satisfactory values, providing basic services including helping planting trees by our skilled teams, providing manure of planting, providing trainings and consultation services and etc. Thus, to improve this modern start up, we are raising $500 through Tarmiye Crowdfunding platform. So that, dear friends and families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get other $2000 of Grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.
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