Cagaaran fruit center: Is a new business company that selling prepared different fruits, based in borama city. the main reason or challenge in the market there is no specific place getting prepared fruits and dietarian consultant, high price in hotels availability not reliable, last 4yrs our company provide community distribution both fruits and vegetables from our farm. So, the community they are over used canned fruits or vegetables from outside of the country that caused health problems like cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problem, cancers and others, so that to minimize that problem and society become more organic and health. We make research and test in our store finally we get result that community collaborated and they are very interest to get and open that place. thus to improve this new start-up are raising $500 through Tarmiye platform. So that dear friends, families and very one that interest our bussiness small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get $2000 of grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important our business and also create job opportunity for our youth.

Cagaaran fruit centre
Cagaaran fruit center: Is a new business company that selling prepared different fruits, based in borama city. the main reason or challenge in the market there is no specific place getting prepared fruits and dietarian consultant, high price in hotels availability not reliable, last 4yrs our company provide community distribution both fruits and vegetables from our farm. So, the community they are over used canned fruits or vegetables from outside of the country that caused health problems like cardiovascular diseases, respiratory problem, cancers and others, so that to minimize that problem and society become more organic and health. We make research and test in our store finally we get result that community collaborated and they are very interest to get and open that place. thus to improve this new start-up are raising $500 through Tarmiye platform. So that dear friends, families and very one that interest our bussiness small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get $2000 of grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important our business and also create job opportunity for our youth.
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