Community Building


Hanaqaad Baby Shop is a new business which in particular focus on child cloths, toys shoes, food, milk and other child essential things. The main market problem is there is no baby shop which you can find all baby’s materials but other existing businesses sell in one-one item. Also, its hard-to-find open baby shops in 24/7. Therefore, Hanaqaad Baby Shop will solve all the above-mentioned challenges in the market by establishing this unique business which will provide complete child equipment. Thus, to implement this essential startup, we are raising $1000 through Tarmiye Crowdfunding platform. So that, dear friends and families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get other $2000 of Grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.

Activity Manger

, Maroodi Jeex,

Deadline about 2 years ago

funding goal
matching fund

Hanaqaad Baby Shop is a new business which in particular focus on child cloths, toys shoes, food, milk and other child essential things. The main market problem is there is no baby shop which you can find all baby’s materials but other existing businesses sell in one-one item. Also, its hard-to-find open baby shops in 24/7. Therefore, Hanaqaad Baby Shop will solve all the above-mentioned challenges in the market by establishing this unique business which will provide complete child equipment. Thus, to implement this essential startup, we are raising $1000 through Tarmiye Crowdfunding platform. So that, dear friends and families a small amount of money you contribute to us $1 will support us to get other $2000 of Grant investment which will make us possible to improve this important business and also to create job opportunities for our youth.

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