Aragsan Organics

Community Building

Aragsan Organics

Have you ever been in a situation where all you need is just to get the purest form of natural oils as well as natural creams and other cosmetic products and couldn’t find? Well, I have been in that same situation. Growing up, I discovered what I was using for my skin and hair in past were full of chemicals, which are proven to damage your hair and skin. Therefore, I conducted a market research and found out that I am not the only one having the same issues, that’s when I realized I can process my own natural cosmetic line. I started producing my own oils and creams for myself and it worked like magic. There is a growing appetite for natural cosmetic products in the society especially here in Somaliland. More consumers now buy-in to the need to use and living a healthy lifestyle. Today Aragsan Organics the company I established focuses on processing locally processed natural and organic cosmetics which are 100% pure natural, to provide proudly Somalis healthy, organic, well- branded, and packaged essential finished products. With your help, we plan to promote our business and to reach East Africa and beyond. To create wider distribution channels and enter new markets while increasing our market share here in Somaliland we are raising $4000 this will also help us hire sales talent and increase our social and economical impact.

Activity Manger

, Maroodi Jeex,

Deadline about 4 years ago

funding goal
matching fund

Have you ever been in a situation where all you need is just to get the purest form of natural oils as well as natural creams and other cosmetic products and couldn’t find? Well, I have been in that same situation. Growing up, I discovered what I was using for my skin and hair in past were full of chemicals, which are proven to damage your hair and skin. Therefore, I conducted a market research and found out that I am not the only one having the same issues, that’s when I realized I can process my own natural cosmetic line. I started producing my own oils and creams for myself and it worked like magic. There is a growing appetite for natural cosmetic products in the society especially here in Somaliland. More consumers now buy-in to the need to use and living a healthy lifestyle. Today Aragsan Organics the company I established focuses on processing locally processed natural and organic cosmetics which are 100% pure natural, to provide proudly Somalis healthy, organic, well- branded, and packaged essential finished products. With your help, we plan to promote our business and to reach East Africa and beyond. To create wider distribution channels and enter new markets while increasing our market share here in Somaliland we are raising $4000 this will also help us hire sales talent and increase our social and economical impact.

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